Run Wild Missoula

Roots Run

TBD, 2025

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Roots Run


Thank you for joining us in the 2024 River City Roots Run! 

We hope all our participants enjoyed the River City Roots Festival activities! Thank you for supporting the city’s love of recreation and staying active. We look forward to seeing you next year! 




2025 TBD!

Start Time:

Start Location:

E. Main St; Between N. Higgins & N. Pattee


"I joined RWM to kick off a milestone year for myself and to do something I have never done... Run! The training group, camaraderie, and support of the members has exceeded my expectation. RWM and its members have encouraged me to push forward and helped me fulfill goals of a healthier lifestyle. I really enjoy my new found running friends and community!"

- Audrey P.